Monday, March 10, 2014

a lettering shop

Hello and welcome to the official Dans L'eau (duh-loh) lettering blog! I am Jordan Brittley Henson & I live in the meadows of the midwest with my husband. We have two sheltie puppies that are terrified of every passing car and every falling rain drop; it makes for an interesting day. 

I'm a smily face addict when it comes to texting and I try to tone it down and be professional when I am emailing, but I make no promises. :) 

I studied Math, Computer Science and Counseling in college and then the Lord called me to wedding photography. Jordan Brittley went full time in 2013 and I have been so thankful to travel to faraway places and photograph amazing couples on their wedding day. 

I love watching Lord of the Rings (every year on my birthday, y'all) & The Hobbit. I love listening to worship music or Adele while I bake & I watch Downton Abbey/Sherlock when I am sick (and when I am not). 

When I was down with the flu in February, I picked up watercoloring and it has been so refreshing. I was dreaming big one night and wondered what it would look like to open up a lettering shop full of watercolor prints that I had made. Whew. I tried to figure out what it would look like to start another business on top of a full time business (sometimes pushing 60 hours a week)! I tried to figure out how I was going to start another business from the ground up. And I decided that it was worth it. It's worth it to pursue this business if it means following after the Lord, encouraging you through letters & painting with the water. 

I want to own a restaurant/bakery one day. I want to own a bed & breakfast. I even want to be a florist, if only for a day. But I have to tell you that the last thing I ever thought I would want to do is PAINT! But here we are, with a new-found passion and a desire to create something beautiful... something that inspires you. 

I will be launching the official website in April sometime. Thanks for tagging along on this journey!